Getting to Know You: Chase Huntley

We are deeply grateful for the immense amount of growth that our organization has experienced over the last year or so. It has been a wild ride. And, we want to remain committed to cultivating relationships with each other, even as we grow. So, please enjoy our new Getting to Know You series: weekly staff features to get reacquainted and newly acquainted with all of the folks behind the scenes at Wild Diversity.

Last week, we got to hear from our incomparable leader, Mercy. This week, hear from our Youth Ecology Educator, Chase.

What goes first, the cereal or the milk? State your case.

Cereal, come on now! I watched a video that showed how to make the perfect cereal. You pour the milk slowly in one spot and that prevents your cereal from getting soggy. Who likes soggy cereal?

Describe your favorite spot in your home.

The lounge chair is next to the lamp so I can enjoy a nice warm cup of coffee while reading a book.

How do you like your eggs prepared?

Over-easy like a Sunday morning (Lionel Richie voice).

Tell us about yourself via the most resonant parts of the Enneagram, Astrology, Myers Briggs, or some other type of personality inventory.

I’m always undecided on things. I see both sides or I try, I think, maybe?

Tell us about the oldest thing in your possession.

My birth certificate.

How did you find Wild Diversity? What about your position stretches you the most?

I found out about it on Facebook. I resonated with it because I felt it was important to diversify the outdoors. I think working with youth is both challenging and rewarding.

Are there any lockdown related hobbies that have stuck for you? Or not?

Eating has been my hobby during the lockdown. I think supporting small business, especially BIPOC-owned restaurants, has been important during these times. Ethiopian has been my favorite.

Tell us about one of your favorite people and why they are one of your favorite people — dead or alive, friend, family, famous human.

My grandma is my favorite person because she’s super laid back and I love the wisdom she provides. She loves to sing karaoke and get down on the dance floor. I guess I got my skills from her.

Anything else you want the entire world to know about you?

I love to dance.


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