Getting to Know You: Nia Gilbert

We are deeply grateful for the immense amount of growth that our organization has experienced over the last year or so. It has been a wild ride. And, we want to remain committed to cultivating relationships with each other, even as we grow. So, please enjoy our new Getting to Know You series: weekly staff features to get reacquainted and newly acquainted with all of the folks behind the scenes at Wild Diversity.

This week, hear from our newest team member, Outreach Coordinator, Nia.

What goes first, the cereal or the milk? State your case.

Cereal goes first then it the milk. The only reason milk would go first is if you are running low on milk.

Describe your favorite spot in your home.

Back in Ohio I love sitting in my mom’s chair and reading. Here in Portland I like sitting in the living room.

How do you like your eggs prepared?

Sometimes scrambled, and sometimes over easy.

Tell us about yourself via the most resonant parts of the Enneagram, Astrology, Myers Briggs, or some other type of personality inventory.

My zodiac sign is a Pisces. I am very laid back and I have a go with the flow personality unless it’s something I absolutely hate. I am a very picky eater. One day I want to own a St. Bernard!!

Your favorite book or your favorite movie. Or both.

I love the Planet of the Apes series.

Tell us about the oldest thing in your possession.

Columbia Jordans I’ve had since I was a few months old.

How did you find Wild Diversity? What about your position stretches you the most?

I heard of Wild Diversity through AmeriCorps. And what stretches me the most is being able to do indirect service, which is pretty new to me.

Are there any lockdown related hobbies that have stuck for you? Or not?

Reading WEBTOONS, talking to my family everyday, and being outside more. I would always be outside in my lawn or backyard painting, eating, working and relaxing.

Tell us about one of your favorite people and why they are one of your favorite people — dead or alive, friend, family, famous human.

My momma is one of my favorite people because she loves and gets me most times, she’s amazing in every way.

Anything else you want the entire world to know about you?

I’m afraid of butterflies!!

Can you expand on that for us?

Um, they are just so big and they have little legs and every time I run they follow me and chase me! So, yes, and the fact that my generation is in love with them makes it even worse. And the are whole insects — nastyyyyy!


Getting to Know You: Charelle Stanley


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