Spring 2025

The BIPOC Leadership Outdoors Conference

Welcome to the BIPOC Leadership Outdoors Conference, where we believe that conferences should offer more without adding burdens to your to-do list. This conference is designed to redefine expectations, offering more hands-on skills, more certificates for participants, and more opportunities for community building and knowledge-sharing. We aspire to set a new standard in the outdoor industry—one that stands out as a unique and transformative experience.

Our primary focus is on creating more than just a gathering; we aim to be a driving force in increasing representation in the outdoors by empowering diverse leadership. The BIPOC Leadership Outdoors Conference is committed to providing unprecedented certificate opportunities and training across a variety of areas tailored for the BIPOC outdoor community. Not only will this conference be the premier platform for certification within the BIPOC outdoor community, but it will also hold the top spot industry-wide.

This conference is more than an event; it is a place for the BIPOC outdoor community to be inspired, uplifted, and equipped with the skills and certifications needed to thrive in outdoor spaces… as leaders & shapers.


Our mission is to redefine the conference experience, offering more hands-on skills, empowering diverse leadership, and fostering community building within the BIPOC outdoor community. We aim to be a catalyst for industry-wide change, setting new standards in representation and inclusion. Through inspiration, upliftment, and comprehensive training, we endeavor to equip the BIPOC outdoor leaders with the tools and knowledge necessary to thrive in outdoor spaces, ensuring that our collective impact resonates far beyond the confines of the conference.


We want to utilize the resources within the BIPOC community to elevate and empower our community within a conference setting. More than new knowledge and a robust to-do list, we want to provide certifications, skills and abilities to inspire BIPOC individuals to enter into a conservation or outdoor recreation career. We seek to uplift participants to leave with project-based education, industry certification(s) and meaningful visceral outdoor experiences, led by people who look like and come from backgrounds similar to the conference participants. All this to amplify individual's standing in their own communities and in the outdoor industry at large.

We are embarking on a journey to redefine industry standards and shape a more inclusive and empowered outdoor community.

Sample Certificate & Training Opportunities

Wilderness Advanced First Aid

Wilderness First Responder

Lifeguard Certification

Swim Facilitators Training

Pro Whitewater Guide School

ACA Canoe

ACA Kayak

Leadership Development Training

Navigation Training

LNT Trainers Course

Risk Management for the Future

Diverse Outdoor Leaders Institute (DOLI)

Training For Programs

Community Led Workshops

In Search of BIPOC Facilitators!

In Search of BIPOC Facilitators!

We are searching the globe for BIPOC Facilitators. We know we have strength and resiliency within our own community. We seek BIPOC individuals who can provide certificate training opportunities for our community and beyond. Submit your proposal for our Spring 2025 conference.

Where do we begin when we want to see more diversity outdoors?

It begins with Leadership

We are pooling our resources to provide knowledge, training and certifications to the BIPOC community. By doing this we are increasing the BIPOC community's representation in leadership roles; creating more comfortable spaces for BIPOC participants under BIPOC leadership; and making a move which will have long term positive impacts to individuals in the BIPOC community because we believe this is what true equity looks like.

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