
Mercy M'fon Mercy M'fon

Our Story is Your Story: Vivian & Axcelle

And the water is something that continues to ground me every day, every week of my life. It is constantly keeping me grounded and on a path that I want to be on. So I want that for other people. And if they’re water people I want them to discover and have that relationship and for the water strength to become their strength. I think it changes everything. Even your embodiment. It shifts the way you move around in the world.

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Mercy M'fon Mercy M'fon

Our Story is Your Story: Ray

I know for a fact that an organization like Wild Diversity should exist, should be well funded. And there should be ways that we can be giving away more scholarships to people, and buying equipment and creating opportunities for people to just come and enjoy without cost or time being a barrier. It's everyone's responsibility to start [ensuring that these opportunities are accessible]. And one of those ways is by giving and giving generously. That is how we truly start building a world where Black Lives Matter.

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Mercy M'fon Mercy M'fon

Our Story is Your Story: Asnoldo

I would encourage someone who's not feeling comfortable in the outdoors to get into journaling. When I write and can externalize it – get it out there and I look at what it is that I'm afraid of, in my intimate relationships, or fear of the future, or whatever it is – then I can have a conversation with that version of me, who’s holding that fear. And kind of nurture them, or give perspective, or come up with alternatives.

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Mercy M'fon Mercy M'fon

Our Story is Your Story: Kristen

The solitude that the last two years have required of me, have presented this opportunity to consider who and what and where I’m drawn. And, one of the many answers, is that I’m drawn outside. That, really, my Taurus placement is much happier when I’ve got my feet in the grass or have the sun soaking into my skin. I’m grateful that this realization compelled me to seek out these spaces upon my move to Portland. And that, serendipitously, I found Wild Diversity.

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Mercy M'fon Mercy M'fon

Our Story is Your Story: Chase

An environmentalist can look many different ways, it’s just someone who cares about the environment. To me, defining what the environment means, it’s just everything around us. Which includes the city and the natural world, because they’re interconnected pieces. Just because you put concrete on the ground doesn't mean that water and the sun and all these different elements go away.

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Mercy M'fon Mercy M'fon

Our Story is Your Story: Nia

And then I got matched up with Wild Diversity. And I started to feel scared that if I spent another birthday in my house, I was going to feel trapped, and like I wasn’t going to be able to leave. So, I got the job. And I packed everything up literally that same week. And I'm actually really happy. Because this is a decision I made for myself.

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Mercy M'fon Mercy M'fon

Our Story is Your Story: Charelle (and Nova)

I know my fear of water was based in not really understanding it. And finally being able to understand what the water is doing and how to read hydrology and everything. Like I feel like that took away a lot of my anxiety. But it also just made me think that not a lot of other people – especially within my family – get to experience the rez or home from that point of view.

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Mercy M'fon Mercy M'fon

Our Story is Your Story: Kaïa

Hop in, friend. We are going canoeing with Kaïa. Check out this installment of Our Story is Your Story to hear from Kaïa about their beautiful relationship to the outdoors, to the water, and to helping to facilitate connections for others with Wild Diversity. What a beam of light they are.

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Mercy M'fon Mercy M'fon

Getting to Know You: Charelle Stanley

I feel like I most identify with water. I feel like in many aspects water is present. My first kayaking and rafting courses helped me become comfortable on the water because it allowed me to understand the rivers. And ever since then I’ve tried to find ways to be on the water each summer. That’s why I became a river guide and paddling instructor. Water is what ties me to my ancestral land in the Southwest and as a child I was always taught to respect it and cherish it. And that carries through to today and on multi day river trips where I feel completely at ease.

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